Monday, August 14, 2006

As of one hour and twenty minutes from now, my World of Warcraft account will be on hiatus, at least until the expansion comes out in October. I told you all that I'd make good on my promise.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Now liquids aren't allowed on airplanes. The White House issued a statement saying that they foiled another 9/11 conspiracy....

I refuse to give into their rhetoric. I absolutely refuse to be subject to fear.

Friday, August 04, 2006

I went home this past weekend. On Friday, Tabitha and I made the trek up to Bloomington so that she could start her hectic weekend of car-purchasing, as I dorve on home to relax and be away from here for a while. I was to attend Warped Tour, but my fucking class schedule wouldn't allow for it. The evening was mostly spent at my parents' house.

I woke up early the next day excited by the prospects of what would await me in Bloomington. I had an appointment with the Jew to go down to Ransburg for my first time in the 2006 season. Upon arriving there, we had noticed that everyone was gone, save for a few folks working on a Minisino project down in Scoutcraft. W noticed the bulkiness of my arms since the last he saw me (...ew.), and had the pleasure of seeing him attempt to wield a sledge. It was rather entertaining for the both of us. Jewish stole some cookies from Keith, we sat around on the breakwater, and after being completely soaked in sweat under the scorching July sun, decided it was best to get the fuck out.

The rest of the afternoon seemed to be a mad dash in between town and his house. Eventually we were rounded up into helping Erin move her crap out of her old place and into her shiny, new apartment with her roommate, Mr. Tom Mason. We spent the remainder of the evening there, and I was even able to pick up Tab to hang out with us. Being there with those people, and surprisingly not being at camp, made me realize how much I really really miss being at Ransburg. I spoke with my parents on the subject later, and they told me that they really didn't care if I went back, as long as I would be making some money. So here goes: I'm back for the 2007 season. I'm apprehensive, I'm nervous, but I'm completely excited. Spending as much time as I do indoors down here made me realize that there are fewer rewards better in this world than working outside in the sun, and knowing that for three months, your only job is to make young scouts happy. I look forward to seeing that again.

Now to get through this year at school. Fuck....

I came home to the same old grind. Work, class, work....Oh, and Markz0r came for a visit. It was unexpected, but welcomed considering our understanding of his situation at the parents'. And Tab got a new car. And she got her computer back. And I got a sinus infection. Such is life.